The Blue Frecdochui Tetra, also known as Boehlkea fredcochui, is a stunning freshwater fish that is native to the Amazon Basin in South America. This species is popular among aquarists for their shimmering blue scales and peaceful demeanor. If you’re looking to add a touch of beauty and serenity to your tank, the Blue Frecdochui Tetra might be just the fish you’re looking for.
In terms of appearance, the Blue Frecdochui Tetra has a striking blue metallic sheen that is sure to catch your eye. Their bodies are slender and elongated, and they typically grow to be around 5 centimeters in length. The dorsal fin of the Blue Frecdochui Tetra is also quite distinct, with a vivid red stripe that contrasts nicely with their blue scales. Their eyes are large and dark, which only adds to their charming appearance.
These tetras are peaceful and sociable fish that do well in groups of 6 or more. They are non-aggressive and get along well with other peaceful community fish, making them a great choice for community aquariums. The Blue Frecdochui Tetra is a schooling fish, which means that they thrive in a group environment. A group of these tetras swimming in unison is a truly mesmerizing sight to behold.
The Blue Frecdochui Tetra is also quite hardy and easy to care for, making them an excellent choice for beginner aquarists. They are adaptable to a wide range of water parameters, although they prefer slightly acidic water with a pH range of 6.0-7.0. These tetras also prefer soft to moderately hard water with a temperature range of 22-27°C.
In terms of diet, the Blue Frecdochui Tetra is not particularly picky and will eat most types of food, including flakes, pellets, and frozen foods. It is recommended to feed them a varied diet that includes a mix of high-quality flakes, pellets, and frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp or bloodworms.
Behaviourally, these tetras are quite active and enjoy swimming around the aquarium. They are not known to be jumpers, so there is no need for a tight-fitting lid on your tank. They also do not uproot plants, so they are a good choice for planted tanks. The Blue Frecdochui Tetra is a peaceful and gentle fish that will add a touch of tranquility and beauty to your aquarium.
In summary, the Blue Frecdochui Tetra is a stunning and peaceful freshwater fish that is easy to care for and adapts well to a wide range of water parameters. Their shimmering blue scales, peaceful demeanor, and schooling behavior make them an excellent choice for any aquarium enthusiast. If you’re looking for a touch of serenity and beauty in your tank, the Blue Frecdochui Tetra might be just the fish you’re looking for.
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