All About UV Serilizers

UV sterilizers are indeed a highly beneficial addition to fish tanks. When properly utilized, they have the potential to effectively control various common issues in aquariums. Not only do they contribute to maintaining crystal clear water, but they also play a crucial role in eliminating or controlling harmful microorganisms.

At Abyss Aquatics, we take pride in our outstanding reputation for providing strong, healthy, and disease-free fish. Ultraviolet sterilization is a key factor in enabling us to uphold the high standards we are known for. Without UV sterilization, it would be challenging to maintain the optimal health of our fish.

Aquariums inherently harbour a significant microbial load, including parasites, viruses, waterborne algae, and disease-causing bacteria. The introduction of a UV sterilizer significantly reduces the population of these microbes, creating a healthier environment for your fish.

By incorporating a UV sterilizer into your aquarium setup, you can enhance water quality, minimize the risk of disease outbreaks, and promote the overall well-being of your aquatic inhabitants.


A UV sterilizer tube typically consists of the following components:

  1. UV Lamp: The UV lamp is the main component that emits the ultraviolet (UV) light. It is usually a specialized UV-C lamp that produces short-wavelength UV radiation. This UV light is responsible for killing or deactivating harmful microorganisms in the water.
  2. Quartz Sleeve: The quartz sleeve is a transparent tube made of high-quality quartz material. It surrounds the UV lamp and acts as a protective barrier between the lamp and the water. The quartz sleeve allows UV light to pass through while preventing water from directly contacting the lamp. It ensures efficient transmission of UV radiation into the water while protecting the lamp from damage and contamination.
  3. Water Jacket: The water jacket is a housing or chamber that encloses the UV lamp and quartz sleeve. It is designed to hold water and allow it to flow around the quartz sleeve, ensuring that the water comes into contact with the UV light. The water jacket is typically made of durable and UV-resistant material to withstand the exposure to water and UV radiation.
  4. Hose Tails: Hose tails are the fittings located on the water jacket of the UV sterilizer. They provide connection points for hoses or tubing to facilitate the flow of water into and out of the sterilizer. The hose tails are usually designed with standard sizes to accommodate the appropriate diameter of hoses or tubing used in the aquarium or water circulation system.

These components work together to create an effective UV sterilization system. The UV lamp emits UV light, which passes through the quartz sleeve and into the water inside the water jacket. As the water flows around the quartz sleeve, the UV light penetrates the water, targeting and eliminating or disabling harmful microorganisms present in the water, helping to maintain a cleaner and healthier aquatic environment.


How do UV sterilizers work?


Aquarium sterilizers function by exposing the aquarium water to controlled ultraviolet (UV) light. When Uv sterilisers are designed properly and the water flow and UV output is calculated accurately, the results can be highly effective. The water exiting the sterilizer will typically be free from harmful pathogens that could otherwise pose a threat to your fish.

By following our recommendations regarding the appropriate wattage, flow rate, and overall water volume, investing in a sterilizer can contribute to maintaining disease-free and healthy fish in your aquarium. It is important to pay attention to these factors to ensure optimal performance and the desired outcome.

Choosing a UV sterilizer.


1: Firstly, do not choose a UV that has a black water jacket unless as with the TMC Triton which has a photocatalytic material on the inside of a black water jacket (unique at time of writing) Reason being is that a white surface would be better in reflecting UV light back towards the water inside the water jacket of an aquarium UV sterilizer. White surfaces have a higher reflectivity, which means they bounce back more light compared to black surfaces that absorb light.

In the context of an aquarium UV sterilizer, a white surface can help enhance the exposure of water to UV light. When UV light is reflected back into the water, it increases the chances of microorganisms being exposed to the sterilizing effects of the UV radiation. This can potentially improve the overall effectiveness of the UV sterilizer in eliminating harmful pathogens.

2: Secondly avoid Uv sterilizers where the distance between the outside of the quartz sleeve and the inside of the water jacket exceeds 30mm, the pathogens need to be contained within a concentrated UV Radiation kill zone wider jackets. Some manufacturers suggest this enables higher flow however it defeats the object. Please be awre that at all times here we are talking about UV sterilisers not clarifiers. Clarifiers can have a wider jacket and still be effective at controlling water borne algae as the amount of UV power required is less so the kill zone (distance between the outside of the quartz sleeve and the inside of the water jacket) can be up to 60mm.

3: do not consider a unit that is described as both a sterilizer and a clarifier for the reason above.


4: Exercise caution when considering UV units, that make extravagant claims. It is our belief that manufacturers and suppliers often employ misleading or even dishonest tactics by using phrases like “up to” or “approximately.” These numbers typically refer to bacteria control, which requires less UV power compared to addressing the main reason for purchase, protozoa (white spot). There is a unit on the market sold under a few brands that claims to be able to do twice as many litres using the same power for a similar cost, we have had many customers having issues that should not happen with correct UV application, do not be fooled.

Manufacturers must be aware that we seek UV units for controlling protozoa in aquariums, yet they fail to provide relevant information about their products.

How to calculate how much UV is required for level 5 control:

Its quite simple divide the aquarium volume by 12.5 and the result is how many watts are requires, Example- 400 litres divided by 12.5 = 32 watts.

How to calculate throughput:

Even easier aquarium volume times by 3.5 for the optimal rate, this can be from 3 – 5 but 3.5 is best.

Why all the misleading information?

When questioned about this practice, a leading manufacturer revealed that they feel compelled to follow suit because their competitors do the same. With the increasing prevalence of online purchases, a product with a similar price point advertising its ability to control protozoa would appear significantly more expensive when compared to rival products that emphasize algae or bacterial capacity.

As an example, to effectively control whitespot, we recommend using a TMC 25-watt unit for a maximum tank size of 310 litres. However, if you were to utilize the same 25-watt unit for the control of Shigella Flexneri (Dysentery), it would be capable of treating up to 30,000 litres, a huge difference. The same principle applies to waterborne algae, where the 25-watt unit can comfortably handle 2,000 litres and provide crystal-clear, sparkling water, but it will have little effect on whitespot, velvet, Oodinium etc.

Here are some examples of different pathogens and the amount of UV measured in mWsec/cm² (mWsec/cm² stands for milliwatt-second per square centimetre. It is a unit of measurement used to quantify the intensity or dosage of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This unit represents the amount of energy (in milliwatt-seconds) delivered per square centimetre of surface area. In the context of UV sterilization, it refers to the amount of UV radiation exposure that is applied to a specific area or target) needed to deactivate or kill them.


Shigella flexneri (dysentery) – 3,400

Legionella pneumophila (legionnaires disease) – 3,800

Streptococcus hemolyticus (gastroenteritis) – 5,500

Staphylococcus epidermidis (toxic shock syndrome) – 5,800

Leptospira interrogans (leptospirosis) – 6,000

Salmonella typhosa (typhoid fever) – 6,000

Salmonella paratyphi (paratyphoid fever) – 6,100

Corynebacterium diphtheria (diphtheria) – 6,500

Escherichia coli (E-coli) – 7,000

Shigella sonnei (gastroenteritis) – 7,000

Moraxella catarrhalis (bacterial meningitis, pneumonia) – 8,500

Streptococcus lactis – 8,800

Enterococcus faecalis (urinary tract infection) – 10,000

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (pulmonary tuberculosis) – 10,000

Pseudomonas aeruginosa – 10,500

Salmonella typhimurium (gastroenteritis) – 15,200

Clostridium tetani (tetanus) – 23,000


Vibrio cholera (cholera) – 6,500

Bacteriophages – 6,600

Cryptosporidium sp. (diarrhoeal disease) – 10,000


Chlorella vulgaris (common green algae) – 22,000


Penicillium expansum (Blue mould) – 22,000

Saprolegnia sp. zoospore (egg fungus) – 35,000


Influenza virus – 6,000

Hepatitis virus – 8,000

Smallpox virus – 9,000

Giardia lamblia (beaver fever) – 10,00

Polio virus – 8,000 Rota virus – 21,000


Trichodina sp. (fish parasite) – 35,000

Nematode eggs – 92,000

Ichthyophthirius sp. (white spot) – 336,00

As you can see the amount of UV needed varies massively, so if a manufacturer rates a 20-watt unit for whitespot the total aquarium volume after flow is calculated is 250 litres. However, rate the same 20-watt unit for Nematode eggs and the volume is now 900 litres. Again, the same unit for water borne algae and it now will handle over 3000 litres. Rate it for all bacteria listed control and its 5600 litres.


To ensure effective germicidal action, several factors must be considered when using UV-C sterilizers. The contact time and distance between the UV-C source and the microorganisms to be treated play a crucial role in maximizing the sterilization process. The contact distance is determined by the design of the UV sterilizer, while the contact time is influenced by the recommended flow rate per lamp.

The contact time refers to the duration it takes for water to pass through the UV sterilizer chamber and come into contact with the UV-C source. This parameter is important for achieving sufficient exposure to UV-C radiation. The recommended flow rate per lamp helps determine the ideal speed at which water should pass through the chamber to achieve the desired contact time.

Picture this: a daring motorcyclist zooming through a blazing hoop with a 4-meter diameter at a whopping speed of 80 kilometres per hour. But wait! The contact time is so short that our fearless rider emerges unscathed, leaving us disappointed in our failed attempt to rid ourselves of their presence. Undeterred, we put on our evil scientist hats and come up with a diabolical plan. We shrink the hoop’s diameter to a mere 2 meters and transform it into a ridiculously long 100-meter tube of terror. Now, this poor motorcyclist is in for a fiery rollercoaster ride! With increased proximity to the flames and an extended exposure time, it’s safe to say they won’t be performing any more death-defying stunts. Rest in peace, my fiery friend.

In addition to contact time and flow rate, the overall volume of water and frequency of contact with the UV-C source should be considered. This ensures effective treatment of the entire water volume and prevents pathogen proliferation from outpacing the UV sterilizer’s kill rate.

The term “proliferation rate” refers to the rate at which pathogens, such as bacteria or other microorganisms, multiply and increase in numbers within a given environment. In the context of UV sterilization, it is important to understand that the UV-C light emitted by the sterilizer is intended to kill or inactivate these pathogens.

If the proliferation rate of the pathogens is high, meaning they multiply rapidly, it becomes crucial for the UV sterilizer to have a sufficiently high kill rate. The kill rate refers to the effectiveness of the UV-C light in neutralizing the pathogens. If the kill rate is lower than the proliferation rate, it means that the pathogens can reproduce faster than they are being eliminated, leading to an ineffective sterilization process.

Therefore, when designing a UV sterilization system, it is essential to ensure that the kill rate of the UV-C light exceeds or matches the proliferation rate of the pathogens in order to maintain a safe and pathogen-free environment for the livestock or aquatic system. This consideration helps prevent the pathogens from outcompeting the sterilization process and compromising its effectiveness.


The effectiveness of a UV sterilizer is dependent not only on the kill rate but also on the overall turnover and volume of water in the system. This is why when a sterilizer is connected in a way that the water is continually recirculated from the sump and back to the sump with a slow turnover, the sterilization process has little impact.

When the water throughput is slow and only a small percentage of the aquarium water volume is being sterilized, it can result in a dilution effect. The sterilized water gets mixed with the larger volume of untreated water in the system, reducing the concentration of UV-C exposure and potentially diminishing its effectiveness in eliminating pathogens.

To ensure optimal results, it is important to consider the flow rate and turnover of the entire system, ensuring that a sufficient volume of water passes through the sterilizer for effective treatment. This allows for a higher concentration of UV-C exposure to pathogens, maximizing the kill rate and reducing the dilution effect.

Therefore, it is crucial to design the plumbing and water circulation system in a way that allows for adequate contact time and proper distribution of the sterilized water throughout the entire system, ensuring that the UV sterilizer has a noticeable and measurable effect on pathogen control.


Based on our highly experienced opinion, it is recommended to plumb the UV sterilizers in a circuit between the aquarium and the filter, whether it’s a sump or an external filter. The water throughput, which refers to the rate at which water passes through the sterilizer, should ideally be within a specific range.

The water throughput should be no lower than 3 times the aquarium volume per hour and no more than 5 times. We have found that an optimal value is around 3.5 times the aquarium volume per hour. When calculating the water throughput, it is advised to focus on the aquarium volume alone and disregard any additional water volume in sumps or other components.

By ensuring a suitable water throughput within the specified range, the UV sterilizer can effectively treat the water and provide the desired level of pathogen control. This allows for sufficient contact time between the water and the UV-C light source, maximizing the kill rate of pathogens and promoting a healthier aquatic environment for the livestock.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on our years’ experience and expertise in the field as well as scientific facts, and they serve as valuable guidelines for optimizing the performance of UV sterilizers in aquarium systems.