The Blue Diamond Congo Tetra, Alestopetersius Smykalai, is an unusual species of tetra from Africa. This species originates from Nigeria, and reaches a length of 5-6cm.
The males of this species develop a beautiful, iridescent blue colouration down their backs. This is where their names come from. They are easy to sex, as well as the blue colouration the males also develop beautiful dorsal fin extensions.
Blue Diamond Congo Tetra are a lively and active species, but can be skittish. They are a peaceful shoaling species, and make fantastic additions to larger community aquariums.
This tetra species is unfussy when it comes to décor. Planted aquariums especially help bring out their full potential colours. They appreciate good flow, and a pH of 6.5-7.0 tends to suit them best.
Diet wise Blue Diamond Congo Tetra are unfussy eaters and will eat any foods offered to them. A balanced diet of dried flake and granules and also frozen foods enriched with garlic and vitamins will ensure these beautiful fish stay in tip top condition.
Here at the Abyss Aquatic Warehouse, we believe in only providing the best for our customers. All of our fish are fed a varied diet of dried and frozen foods. Also, we ensure they are in perfect condition before they are shipped out.
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