The Glass Bloodfin Tetra, Prionobrama filigera, is a stunning and unique fish that is highly sought after by hobbyists. Its name is derived from its transparent body, which allows its blood to be seen flowing through its veins. This species belongs to the Characidae family and is native to the Amazon basin in South America, specifically in Brazil, Peru, and Colombia.
The Glass Bloodfin Tetra is a relatively small fish, growing to a maximum length of around 5 cm (2 inches). It has a slender, elongated body that is completely transparent, with a bright red line running down its lateral line. The fins are also transparent and can appear to be a pale green or yellowish color under certain lighting conditions. The combination of its transparent body and red lateral line creates a unique and mesmerizing appearance that is truly stunning.
In terms of water parameters, the Glass Bloodfin Tetra is relatively easy to care for. They prefer soft to moderately hard water with a pH range of 6.0-7.5, and a temperature range of 23-28°C (73-82°F). They are schooling fish, so it’s recommended to keep them in groups of at least 6 individuals to prevent stress and aggression.
Feeding the Glass Bloodfin Tetra is relatively straightforward as they are not picky eaters. They will accept a variety of foods such as flake, frozen, and live foods. It’s essential to offer them a balanced diet to maintain their overall health and enhance their coloration.
In terms of behavior, the Glass Bloodfin Tetra is a peaceful and active species that is well suited for community aquariums. They are known to be active swimmers and enjoy swimming in the open water column. They are compatible with other peaceful fish species that share similar water requirements and are not overly aggressive.
Overall, the Glass Bloodfin Tetra is a unique and fascinating fish that will make a beautiful addition to any aquarium. Their transparent bodies and red lateral line create an enchanting appearance that will capture the attention of anyone who sees them. They are relatively easy to care for and are suitable for both novice and experienced aquarists. If you are looking for a stunning and captivating fish to add to your aquarium, the Glass Bloodfin Tetra is an excellent choice.
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