Green Neon Tetra

(2 customer reviews)



Common Name: Green Neon Tetra

Latin Name: Paracheirodon simulans

Latin Name Translation: “False Neon Tetra.”

Synonyms: None

Tank Bred: Green Neon Tetras are both found in the wild and commonly bred in captivity.

Distribution: Green Neon Tetras are native to the blackwater streams and rivers of South America, specifically the upper Rio Negro region in Brazil and Colombia.

Max Size: Green Neon Tetras typically reach a maximum size of around 1 inch (2.5 cm).

Lifespan: With proper care, Green Neon Tetras can live for approximately 3 to 5 years.

Temperature Range: Green Neon Tetras prefer a temperature range of 72°F to 80°F (22°C to 27°C).

pH Range: They thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5.

Kh Range: Green Neon Tetras tolerate a low to moderate hardness level, with a recommended range of 2 to 10 dKH.

Care Level: Green Neon Tetras are generally considered to have a moderate care level.

Lighting Preference: They prefer moderate lighting levels in the aquarium.

Suitable for Planted Tanks: Green Neon Tetras are well-suited for planted tanks, as they appreciate the presence of dense vegetation.

Preferred Food: They are omnivorous and have a diet that consists of small live or frozen foods, as well as high-quality flake or pellet foods. They also enjoy small insects and larvae.

Behaviour: Green Neon Tetras are peaceful and active schooling fish. They should be kept in groups of at least six individuals to ensure their well-being and to display their natural shoaling behaviour.

Discoverer: The Green Neon Tetra is not named after a specific discoverer.

Interesting Facts:

  • Green Neon Tetras are popular aquarium fish known for their vibrant green and blue colours.
  • They are closely related to the more common Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi).
  • Their small size and peaceful nature make them suitable for community aquariums.
  • Green Neon Tetras are best kept in well-maintained aquariums with stable water parameters.

Please note that while Green Neon Tetras are generally hardy, they can be sensitive to sudden changes in water conditions. It is important to provide them with a well-established aquarium and maintain stable water parameters to ensure their health and well-being.

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Minimum order value £30Delivery charge £19.99. Delivery days Are Varied At The Moment.  We will contact you to confirm your delivery day. Some geographical restrictions apply See shipping

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Looks like we are approaching cold weather again. Please be mindful, when ordering livestock, that the weather may impede our ability to dispatch your new pets. If we do need to postpone, will will let you know as soon as we possibly can. It will not be a decision we make lightly but of course the welfare of our livestock will always come first. If you have a particular day in mind or are in a rush to receive your fish, please feel free to call and check before placing your order.

Keep Your Eyes Open For Multibuy Livestock Deals:


The Green Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon simulans) is a small, vibrant fish known for its stunning appearance. Here is a detailed description of what a Green Neon Tetra looks like:

Body Shape: The Green Neon Tetra has a streamlined body shape typical of most tetras. It features an elongated and slightly laterally compressed body, tapering towards the rear.

Size: On average, the Green Neon Tetra reaches a maximum size of around 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) in length. They are relatively small fish, ideal for smaller aquarium setups.

Colouration: The body of the Green Neon Tetra is predominantly silver with a bright, neon green stripe that extends horizontally from the middle of the body to the base of the caudal fin (tail fin). The green stripe is highly vibrant and stands out against the silver background. The lower portion of the body has a silver-blue hue, adding to its overall beauty.

Fins: The dorsal fin, located on the back of the fish, is relatively small and has a transparent appearance. The anal fin, located on the ventral side, displays a similar transparent characteristic. The caudal fin is forked, with a combination of green and silver-blue hues, matching the body’s coloration.

Eyes: The Green Neon Tetra has large, round eyes with a black pupil. The eyes are positioned towards the front of the body, providing excellent vision for navigation and locating food.

Overall Appearance: The combination of the silver body, vibrant green stripe, and silver-blue lower body creates a striking contrast. When viewed under proper lighting, the Green Neon Tetra exhibits an iridescent shimmer, adding to its visual appeal.

The Green Neon Tetra’s colourful and eye-catching appearance makes it a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. Its small size and vibrant colouration can create a visually stunning display when kept in a group.

Green Neons Natural Habitat:

The Green Neon Tetra inhabits the densely vegetated areas of slow-moving streams, tributaries, and flooded forests found in South America. These water bodies are typically located in regions such as Brazil, Colombia, and Peru.

  • Aquatic Vegetation: The fish would see an abundance of aquatic vegetation surrounding them. Thick growths of various plants, including floating plants, submerged plants, and marginal plants, provide shelter, hiding spots, and a sense of security. These plants offer protection from predators and serve as a source of food and habitat for small invertebrates and microorganisms.
  • Dappled Light: Sunlight filters through the dense canopy of overhanging trees, creating dappled light patterns on the water’s surface. This natural lighting effect creates an enchanting atmosphere and plays a crucial role in the fish’s behaviour, signalling daytime and night-time cycles.
  • Leaf Litter and Fallen Debris: Fallen leaves, twigs, and branches collect in the water, creating a layer of organic debris on the substrate. This layer provides additional hiding places for the fish and serves as a rich source of natural food, as it attracts microorganisms and small invertebrates.
  • Water Currents: The water in their natural habitat flows gently, mimicking slow-moving streams or tributaries. The fish would experience a slight water current, helping to distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout the environment. These gentle currents also aid in the dispersion of eggs and fry during the breeding season.
  • Biodiversity: The natural habitat of Green Neon Tetras is incredibly diverse. They would encounter various species of fish, both large and small, as well as a wide range of aquatic invertebrates, including crustaceans, snails, and insect larvae. The presence of such biodiversity contributes to the overall ecological balance and provides ample food sources for the fish.

In their natural habitat, Green Neon Tetras thrive in the presence of abundant vegetation, gentle water currents, dappled lighting, and a diverse ecosystem. The combination of these factors creates a harmonious and dynamic environment that supports their well-being and natural behaviours.

Our Green Neons are Tank Bred Heres Why:

  • Tank-bred Green Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon simulans) are generally considered to be stronger and more resilient to diseases compared to their wild-caught counterparts. This is primarily due to the controlled breeding and rearing conditions they experience in aquarium settings. Here’s an explanation of why tank-bred neons are often hardier:
  • Controlled Breeding: Tank-bred neons are bred in controlled environments, such as fish farms or breeding facilities. This allows breeders to carefully select healthy parent stock and control various breeding parameters, including water quality, nutrition, and genetics. By controlling these factors, breeders can produce offspring with improved genetic traits and overall robustness.
  • Adaptation to Aquarium Life: Tank-bred neons are born and raised in an aquarium environment from the start. They are accustomed to the specific conditions found in aquariums, including water parameters, filtration systems, and artificial lighting. This early exposure helps them adapt better to captive conditions compared to wild-caught neons, which may experience stress during the transition from their natural habitat to an aquarium.
  • Disease Resistance: Tank-bred neons often have better disease resistance due to reduced exposure to pathogens and parasites found in the wild. Breeders maintain strict hygiene protocols and provide optimal nutrition to the fish, minimizing the risk of diseases. Additionally, the controlled breeding process allows breeders to selectively breed for disease-resistant traits, enhancing the overall health and resilience of the offspring.
  • Selective Breeding for Desired Traits: Tank-bred neons undergo selective breeding to enhance desirable traits, such as vibrant coloration, robustness, and improved overall health. Over generations of selective breeding, breeders can develop strains of neons that exhibit increased strength, adaptability, and disease resistance. This selective breeding process helps create a hardier and more resilient population of tank-bred neons.
  • It is important to note that while tank-bred neons generally have a higher resistance to diseases and adapt better to aquarium life, proper care, maintenance of optimal water conditions, and regular monitoring are still essential for their well-being. By providing a suitable environment and meeting their specific care requirements, tank-bred Green Neon Tetras can thrive and bring beauty to aquarium setups.

Keeping Green Neon Tetra Healthy:

Keeping Green Neon Tetras healthy requires providing them with suitable water conditions and a well-maintained aquarium. They have a moderate care level and can be a bit delicate, requiring attention to water parameters, temperature, and quality. Maintaining stable water parameters, including temperature, pH, and hardness, is crucial for their well-being.

Special Requirements and Feeding:

Green Neon Tetras are omnivorous and have a diet that includes small live or frozen foods, high-quality flake or pellet foods, as well as small insects and larvae. They appreciate a varied diet to ensure proper nutrition. It’s important to provide them with a well-balanced diet and ensure that their nutritional needs are met.

How Many Green Neon Tetras Should I Keep?

Green Neon Tetras are shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of at least six individuals or more. By keeping them in a group, they feel more secure, display their natural behaviour, and are generally happier and healthier.

Lighting Preference:

Green Neon Tetras prefer moderate lighting levels in the aquarium. Providing appropriate lighting helps create a natural environment and enhances the visibility of their vibrant green and blue colours.

Suitable Tank Mates:

Green Neon Tetras are peaceful community fish that can coexist with other small, peaceful species. Good tank mates include other small tetras, rasboras, dwarf cichlids, and peaceful bottom-dwelling species like Corydoras catfish. It’s essential to avoid aggressive or fin-nipping species that may harm them.

Breeding Green Neon Tetra:

Breeding Green Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon Simulans) can be a challenging but rewarding endeavour. Here is a detailed description of the breeding process:

  • Separate Breeding Tank: Prepare a separate breeding tank with suitable conditions to encourage spawning. The tank should be well-maintained and free from any potential threats or predators. It is recommended to use a tank size of at least 10 to 20 gallons (38 to 76 litres) to provide enough space for the breeding pair.
  • Water Parameters: Green Neon Tetras prefer slightly acidic and soft water conditions for breeding. Aim for a pH range of 6.0 to 6.5 and a temperature around 77 to 82°F (25 to 28°C). It is important to maintain stable water parameters to create a conducive environment for spawning.
  • Conditioning the Breeding Pair: Select a healthy male and female pair of Green Neon Tetras for breeding. To enhance their breeding readiness, provide them with a nutritious and varied diet consisting of live or frozen foods such as small insects, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Conditioning the fish with high-quality foods for a few weeks can improve their reproductive capabilities.
  • Introduce the Breeding Pair: Place the conditioned male and female together in the breeding tank. Provide ample hiding places with fine-leaved plants, spawning mops, or mesh traps where the female can deposit her eggs. Adding some marbles or a mesh at the bottom of the tank can prevent the adult fish from eating the eggs.
  • Inducing Spawning: To trigger spawning, simulate the rainy season by performing a slight drop in temperature or a partial water change with slightly cooler water. You can also adjust the lighting period to imitate natural conditions. Maintaining dim lighting during the day and increasing it during the early morning or evening can help stimulate spawning behaviour.
  • Egg Deposition: The female will scatter adhesive eggs among the fine-leaved plants or spawning mops. The male will then fertilize the eggs by releasing milt over them. After spawning, it is recommended to remove the adult fish from the breeding tank to prevent them from eating the eggs.
  • Incubation and Hatching: The eggs are transparent and will adhere to the surfaces they are deposited on. They require approximately 24 to 36 hours to hatch, depending on the water temperature. Ensure a clean and well-aerated environment to promote healthy egg development. It’s important to monitor water conditions and remove any unfertilized or fungus-infected eggs promptly to prevent contamination.
  • Fry Care: Once the eggs hatch, the fry will initially feed on their yolk sacs. After a few days, they will become free-swimming and require tiny, nutritious food such as infusoria, baby brine shrimp, or commercial liquid fry food. Provide regular, small feedings to ensure their proper growth and development.

Breeding Green Neon Tetras can be challenging due to their specific requirements and the delicate nature of their eggs and fry. Patience, attention to detail, and maintaining optimal water conditions are essential for successful breeding. With proper care and a conducive breeding environment, you can enjoy the fascinating process of raising new generations of these beautiful fish.

Sexual Dimorphism:

Male Green Neon Tetras tend to have brighter and more intense colours compared to females. Males typically display a more vibrant green and blue coloration, while females may appear slightly duller.


With proper care, Green Neon Tetras can live for approximately 3 to 5 years, although individual lifespans may vary.


Green Neon Tetras are native to the blackwater streams and rivers of South America, specifically the upper Rio Negro region in Brazil and Colombia. They occur naturally in these areas and have also been successfully bred in captivity.


The Green Neon Tetra is a small, colourful freshwater fish with a maximum size of around 1 inch. It originates from the blackwater streams and rivers of South America and requires proper care to thrive in aquariums. They are a bit delicate in terms of their care level, requiring attention to water parameters, suitable tank mates, and a balanced diet. By providing them with a well-maintained tank, appropriate lighting, and suitable companions, you can enjoy


2 reviews for Green Neon Tetra

  1. James Harding

    Never bought green neons before and i wasn’t sure what to expect, what stunning fish! As were all of the fish that abyss sent me. I also appreciate the sweets in the box haha Thankyou Abyss!

  2. Tommy Brown (verified owner)

    Ordered 15 of these beautiful fish to go along with the 11 I’ve got. They look absolutely stunning. Arrived in great condition, very happy!

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Dry Goods Delivery.

The store has provided information regarding their order dispatch and estimated delivery times. Here are the key details:

  1. Dispatch Timeframe: Orders placed before 2pm will be dispatched on the same day. Orders placed after 2pm will be dispatched on the next working day.
  2. Delivery Date and Time Guarantee: While the store aims to dispatch orders promptly, they cannot guarantee a specific delivery date and time. As the delivery process relies on couriers, there may be factors beyond their control that could affect the delivery timeframe.
  3. 1st Class Mail: For orders sent via 1st Class mail, the aim is to have them delivered on the next working day after dispatch.
  4. 2nd Class Mail: Orders sent via 2nd Class mail typically take approximately 2-3 working days for delivery after dispatch.
  5. APC Next Day Delivery: APC Next Day delivery is available for UK mainland postcodes. It is usually delivered on the next working day after dispatch. However, please note that items being delivered to more remote areas may require additional time for delivery.

It’s important to keep in mind that while the store strives to provide efficient delivery services, unforeseen circumstances or external factors could potentially impact delivery times. For further details or specific inquiries about delivery, customers should refer to the store’s terms and conditions or contact the store directly.

Livestock Delivery.

The store maintains specific policies regarding the delivery of livestock. Here are the key points:

  1. Licensed Livestock Courier: The store exclusively uses a licensed livestock courier for shipping fish and coral. This approach is chosen to ensure responsible and ethical transportation of the livestock.
  2. Livestock Shipping Fee: The livestock shipping fee charged to customers of £19.99 does not cover the true cost, and therefore, there is a minimum spend requirement of £30.00 before the option for livestock shipping becomes available.
  3. Pre-Arranged Delivery: The store never ships livestock without first arranging a suitable delivery day. Before dispatching the livestock, the store must confirm the agreed-upon delivery day with the customer.
  4. Saturday Delivery Confirmation: Customers who choose Saturday delivery must have their availability confirmed for the upcoming Saturday before the store sends out the livestock. This confirmation ensures that the livestock can be received promptly.
  5. Failure to wait for livestock: Not waiting for livestock, even if there is a reasonable delay, or cancelling an order after it has been dispatched will lead to you incurring charges for an emergency return to the base. Additionally, any losses of livestock will also be charged to you. Please be aware that the items you are ordering are living creatures – livestock. We kindly ask that you refrain from ordering livestock if you are unable to accommodate the possibility of a delayed delivery.

    These terms and conditions are a fundamental aspect of our policy. Our primary goal is to dissuade individuals who could react negatively to a delayed delivery and subsequently request order cancellations. It is of utmost importance to underscore that your order pertains to living creatures, not mere inanimate objects. In the event of an occasional delay, it is crucial that you respond in a rational and responsible manner, taking into account the welfare of the livestock. We kindly request that you refrain from placing an order for livestock if you tend to react strongly to such situations. By proceeding with the order of livestock, you indicate your acceptance and agreement to abide by these specified terms and conditions.

  6. Signature Requirement: Livestock deliveries require a signature upon receipt and cannot be left in a safe location. This precaution ensures proper handling and the well-being of the livestock.
  7. Geographic Restrictions: The courier has strict geographic restrictions for livestock deliveries. Unfortunately, deliveries to Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man, Isles of Scilly, Channel Islands, and certain Scottish offshore postcodes may not be possible. Customers are encouraged to contact the store via email to confirm if livestock delivery is available in their area.
  8. Minimum Order Value and Order Cancellations: The store has a minimum order value of £30 for livestock shipping. Additionally, the store reserves the right to cancel orders that are deemed high-risk or involve a high number of single tropical freshwater fish species.

It is essential for customers to familiarize themselves with these policies before making a purchase. For more detailed information or specific inquiries, customers should consult the store’s terms and conditions or reach out to the store directly for clarification.

Livestock Geographical Exemptions.

The store has specific geographical exemptions for livestock deliveries. Here is a list of the areas and postcodes where livestock delivery is not available:

  1. Islands: Livestock cannot be delivered to the Shetlands, Channel Islands, and Isle of Man.
  2. Postcodes: Livestock delivery is not available to the following postcodes:
  • AB30 to AB39, AB41 to AB45, AB51 to AB56
  • DD8 to DD10
  • BT all
  • DG3 to DG9, DG12 to DG14
  • KA18 to KA19, KA26, KA29 to KA30
  • HS all
  • IM all
  • JE all
  • ZE all
  • KW15 to KW17
  • TD9
  • FK17 to FK21
  • GY all
  • KA26, to KA28
  • PA20 to PA38, PA41 to PA49, PA60 to PA61, PA76 to PA78
  • TR21, to TR25
  • PH3 to PH26, PH30 to PH44
  • IV all

Customers residing in these areas should be aware that livestock delivery is not available to their location.

We can ship livestock to the Isle of Wight, this area is subject to a surcharge.

For further information or specific inquiries about livestock delivery to a particular area, customers are advised to contact the store directly for clarification.


According to the store’s policy, customers have the right to cancel an order within 14 working days of receiving the goods. To initiate the cancellation, the goods must be returned to the store in new and unused condition, adhering to their Returns Policy.

Important points regarding the return process are as follows:

  1. Return Condition: The goods must be returned in new and unused condition, as originally received. It is important to ensure that the goods are in the same condition as when they were sent out.
  2. Return Timeframe: The goods must be received by the store within 21 days of notifying them about the cancellation. During this time, customers are responsible for any loss or damage that may occur during the return shipping process.
  3. Refund Process: Once the store receives the goods in new and unused condition, they will initiate the refund process. The purchase price will be refunded to the customer.
  4. Return Condition Inspection: If the returned goods arrive in a condition that is less than what they were sent out in, the store reserves the right to return the goods to the customer, and no refund will be processed.

It is essential for customers to carefully review the store’s Returns Policy and follow the specified procedures to ensure a smooth and successful return and refund process. For more detailed information or specific inquiries, customers should consult the store’s terms and conditions or contact the store directly.


According to the store’s return policy, the following guidelines should be followed for returning goods:

  1. Use Returns Form: Customers need to use the store’s provided returns form to initiate the return process. This form helps the store acknowledge that the goods are being sent back.
  2. Return for Testing: If the goods are being returned for testing, the customer is responsible for covering the return shipping expenses.
  3. Refund of Postage Fees: The store will only refund postage fees if the order arrives damaged or becomes faulty within the first 4 weeks of purchase. Proof of posting is important, and customers should ensure the goods are well-packed and obtain proof of posting as the goods remain their responsibility until received by the store.
  4. Refund of Postage Costs for Replacement: If goods are being returned within 7 days of purchase under the Replacement Policy, the store can refund postage costs. However, the customer needs to agree on a delivery service with the store in advance, and only standard or tracked shipping fees will be refunded. The store cannot refund the cost of any special delivery service.
  5. Non-Refundable Postage: Postage costs for goods returned for any other reason than those mentioned above are non-refundable. The store reserves the right to deduct the original postage cost from any applicable refund.
  6. Mistaken Purchases: If a customer has made a mistake in their purchase, they need to return the goods to the store. The customer is responsible for the return shipping costs in such cases.

It is important for customers to carefully follow the store’s return procedures and terms and conditions. For further details or specific inquiries, customers should refer to the store’s website or contact the store directly.


If customers receive faulty goods, the following guidelines apply according to the store’s policy:

  1. Notification of Faulty Goods: Customers must notify the store within 7 working days if they receive faulty goods. This notification should be made as soon as possible.
  2. Replacement Parts: If possible, the store will dispatch replacement parts for the faulty goods.
  3. Return of Goods: If replacement parts are not possible, the store may request customers to return the faulty goods in accordance with their Returns Policy. The specific return procedures and conditions should be followed.
  4. Verification of Damage: Once the store receives the returned goods, they will verify the damage. If the damage is confirmed, the store will supply the required replacements.
  5. Return Postage Costs: If the goods returned to the store are found to be in good working order, the store is not able to refund the return postage costs. Additionally, the store reserves the right to deduct their original postage cost from any applicable refund.
  6. Consequential Loss or Damage: The store cannot take responsibility for any consequential loss or damage that arises directly or indirectly from the goods supplied.

Customers should carefully review and adhere to the store’s Returns Policy and procedures for returning faulty goods. For further clarification or specific inquiries, customers should consult the store’s terms and conditions or contact the store directly.

Manufacturer’s Guarantees

The store works in collaboration with manufacturers to ensure that their guarantees are honored, and they make their best efforts to resolve issues within the warranty period. The following guidelines apply to refunds and replacements:

  1. Postage Costs under Manufacturer’s Guarantee: Postage costs can only be refunded if the goods are returned to the store within 7 days of the original purchase, as per the manufacturer’s guarantee.
  2. Refund of Postage Costs for Faulty Goods: The store will refund postage costs for guarantee/warranty returns only if the product becomes faulty within the first 4 weeks of receipt.
  3. Replacements with Manufacturer Authorization: Replacements, whether parts or goods, can only be offered when authorized by the manufacturer. Customers should contact the store for further guidance in such cases.
  4. Prior Approval for Returns: Goods should not be returned to the store without prior approval. Customers need to contact the store and obtain approval before returning any items.
  5. Replacement of Glass or Ceramic Items: Glass or ceramic items can only be replaced if the store is notified within 48 hours of receiving the delivery.
  6. Replacement of Glass Bulbs/Tubes: Glass bulbs or tubes can only be replaced if they become faulty within 14 days.

Customers should note and adhere to these guidelines to ensure a smooth and efficient resolution of any issues with their purchased items. For specific inquiries or further information, customers are advised to refer to the store’s terms and conditions or contact the store directly.


According to the store’s policy, customers have the following responsibilities regarding breakages:

  1. Checking Goods on Arrival: It is the customer’s responsibility to thoroughly check the goods upon arrival for any damage. This should be done before signing for the parcel. If the parcel appears damaged, it is advised not to sign for it.
  2. Reporting Breakages: Any breakages or damages must be reported to the store within 48 hours of receiving the goods. It is important to promptly notify the store to initiate the resolution process.

By carefully inspecting the goods upon arrival and reporting any breakages within the specified timeframe, customers can ensure that appropriate actions are taken to address the issue. For specific instructions on reporting breakages or further information, customers should refer to the store’s terms and conditions or contact the store directly.